African Americans Concentrated in Diverse Redlined San Diego

1930s redlining impacts African American communities today.

Makello is developing GIS services and creating maps useful to the solar power, electric vehicle, and energy storage industries, as well as for our teaming companies, including several non-profit organizations.  Maps are an important method for analyzing and presenting data. We will examine redlining and clean-air technology access by the San Diego African American community …

Makello Research Assistant in UCSD ESYS Capstone

AuroraSolar solar design model energy analysis irridiance

I was going into my last quarter of undergrad at UCSD when I started interning at Makello. The internship was part of my Senior Project, and I enjoyed working with a diversely skilled team.  I worked with people with experience in many fields including software/electrical engineering, solar installation, non-profit organizations, management experience, and GIS systems …

Bypass Hurdles with the HOA and Landlord

Bypass Hurdles with HOAs and Landlord for Solar in San Diego

Homeowners or tenants in HOAs, apartment dwellers and condo owners are often discouraged from energy upgrades like solar panels, Plug-In Vehicle charging, LED lighting and energy storage.  With a little research, anyone can take steps towards energy independence. California’s “Solar Rights Act” defends your right to produce power in California.  The HOA may restrict, deny …

Dirty Little Secrets of the Solar Industry

Your roof could leak from a poor quality solar installation

The solar industry is in extreme competition with narrow margins.  Companies cut corners in workmanship quality and balance of system, to match lowest bids, while salespeople oversize systems to maximize commissions.  Whether you buy too much, or compromise the waterproofing to get to the lowest cost/watt, either way, you’re all wet.  Makello has a better …