Greening MTS

Makello supports community and non-profit organizations

When people think of buses, many think of the stinky exhaust fumes. Fortunately, San Diego has an ambitious climate action plan that puts an emphasis on clean public transportation and MTS has been implementing changes in vehicle fuel types to improve the region’s air quality and lower costs. The latest step for MTS has been …

Social and Environmental Justice Opportunities In Maps

San Diego County Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Maps are used for more than directions, and at Makello, we are creating maps to highlight communities within our Service Areas. We have a gallery of maps with community insights and tips regarding solar and electric vehicle adoption.  Makello has maps to help prospective Plug-In Vehicle owners determine the current and future availability of public …

African Americans Concentrated in Diverse Redlined San Diego

1930s redlining impacts African American communities today.

Makello is developing GIS services and creating maps useful to the solar power, electric vehicle, and energy storage industries, as well as for our teaming companies, including several non-profit organizations.  Maps are an important method for analyzing and presenting data. We will examine redlining and clean-air technology access by the San Diego African American community …